Proposed Project seeking for partners
This project is to help people affected by flash floods who have difficulty getting clean water sour.
Detailed description
Flash floods that occurred in May 2024 in the Ogan Komering Ulu district, South Sumatra paralyzed three villages in the Ulu Ogan sub-district. the worst impact was the clean water shortages due to flash floods affected around 2000 people from 500 households. Five schools were damaged and 136 students had difficulty learning, and they need shools suplies and uniforms.
Project category
Water, sanitation, and hygiene, Community, International, Disaster Response
Project location
Bak Penampungan Air Bersih from 3 Villages
Ulak Lebar, Gunung Tiga and Kelumpang Villages
Ulu Ogan Subdistrict, Ogan Komering Ulu District
Baturaja, South Sumatera, 31611