Kegiatan dimulai Pada pukul 12:00, dengan makan siang bersama di Liberty Hotel, Jl. Sungai Gerong, Jakarta. Selanjutnya acara dibuka dengan presentasi oleh Presiden Klub, Wati Takidjo.
Dalam sesi tersebut, disampaikan Action Plan Rotary Club Jakarta Gambir, termasuk inisiatif partisipasi dalam RYLA dari RC Jakarta Gambir 2 peserta, keikutsertaan pada World Polio Day pada 27 Oktober 2024 di Cyber Mall Bekasi, serta partisipasi dalam District Conference dengan menentukan jumlah 10 peserta.
Untuk The Rotary Foundation (TRF), diharapkan dapat mengumpulkan USD 2.000, dan juga pada kesempatan ini telah menegaskan jabatan Presiden Elect, Evelyn Ocampo Juha, untuk RY24-25. Juga memaparkan Community Service Project yang telah dan akan dikerjakan serta rencana RC Jakarta Gambir selengkap nya termasuk mengumumkan BOD nya.
Setelah presentasi dari Klub President, DG Daniel mempersilahkan terlebih dahulu kepada PDG Natalia Soebagio dan PDG Rudy Balmater untuk menyampaikan uraian. Namun, karena memberi isyarat belum siap, DG Daniel melanjutkan dengan pemaparan inisiatif distrik dan inisiatif Presiden RI serta harapan untuk melakukan perubahan di komunitas bersama-sama. DG Daniel, pada kesempatan ini, didampingi Spouse Rtn. Hilda Solihin dari RC Jakarta Metropolitan.
Acara berakhir pada pukul 14:00, ditutup dengan dua uraian singkat dari PDG Natalia mengapresiasi DG Daniel atas persiapannya dalam menyongsong jabatan Governorship serta penerapannya dalam pelaksanaan sejauh ini. Di sisi lain, DG Daniel juga memberikan apresiasi kepada PDG Natalia atas keterlibatannya dalam Strategic Planning Committee Rotary District 3410. Pada uraian PDG Rudy disampaikan Hasrat nya untuk perkembangan Rotary District 3410.
Terdapat diskusi singkat pada akhir pertemuan antara DG Daniel dan PP Yuliatmoko mengenai "Making The Club Experience Irresistible." Sebelum menutup acara, dilakukan sesi foto bersama sambil merayakan HUT PDG Rudy, dengan kehadiran IPP Rudy Suhartono, PP Betty Abalos, PP Evita, PP Letty, PP Tulus, PP Yuliatmoko, dan AG Kharisma Fitriandika. Area 55 Jabodetabek.
The proceedings commenced at precisely 12:00 noon, with a luncheon hosted at the Liberty Hotel, situated on Jl. Sungai Gerong, Jakarta. Following this, the event was formally inaugurated with a presentation delivered by the Club President, Wati Takidjo.
During this session, the Action Plan of the Rotary Club of Jakarta Gambir was articulated, which included initiatives for participation in RYLA, comprising two representatives from RC Jakarta Gambir, involvement in World Polio Day scheduled for the 27th of October 2024 at Cyber Mall Bekasi, and the determination of ten participants for the forthcoming District Conference.
Furthermore, for The Rotary Foundation (TRF), there is an expectation to raise USD 2,000, alongside the affirmation of the appointment of President Elect, Evelyn Ocampo Juha, for the Rotary Year 2024-2025. The presentation also encompassed the Community Service Projects undertaken and forthcoming, alongside a comprehensive plan for RC Jakarta Gambir, which included the announcement of its Board of Directors.
Following the Club President's presentation, DG Daniel graciously invited PDG Natalia Soebagio and PDG Rudy Balmater to offer their insights. However, upon indicating their unpreparedness, DG Daniel proceeded to elaborate on district initiatives and the initiatives of the President of RI, as well as the aspiration for collaborative change within the community.
DG Daniel was, on this occasion, accompanied by his spouse, Rtn. Hilda Solihin, from RC Jakarta Metropolitan.The event concluded at 14:00, culminating in succinct remarks from PDG Natalia, who expressed her appreciation to DG Daniel for his preparations in anticipation of the Governorship and the implementation thus far. Conversely, DG Daniel extended his gratitude to PDG Natalia for her active participation in the Strategic Planning Committee of Rotary District 3410. PDG Rudy conveyed his fervent desire for the advancement of Rotary District 3410 in his remarks.
A brief discussion ensued at the conclusion of the meeting between DG Daniel and PP Yuliatmoko concerning "Making The Club Experience Irresistible." Before adjourning the event, a group photograph was taken to commemorate the celebration of PDG Rudy’s anniversary, with the esteemed attendance of IPP Rudy Suhartono, PP Betty Abalos, PP Evita, PP Letty, PP Tulus, PP Yuliatmoko, and AG Kharisma Fitriandika, representing Area 55 Jabodetabek.
DG Daniel Surjadi
Rotary International District 3410