District Governor Installation. Sangat diharapkan kehadiran semua District and Club Leaders 2023-2024. Please come, ada session memperkenalkan 2023-2024 District Officers Team. Your attendance is highly appreciated.
Early notice "save the date" DG Installation 2023. Trims ๐๐
Hari/tgl: Sabtu / 1 Juli 2023
Waktu: jam 15:00 - 18:30
Venue: Tower Garden - Sheraton Bandung Hotel & Towers
Konsep : High Tea Garden party
Dress code: Casual/flat shoes (no high heels)
Meals : Rp. 250.000/person
Acara 1 jam formal and 2.5 jam fellowship/fun/guyub
Acara formal (draft):
1. DG Installation
2. BCO : RCJCinere, RCJ Gambir, District Rotaract Rep
3. DG Rio awards
4. Introduction of 2023-2024 District Officers